The New Mason Jar Podcast

Have you heard? Cindy Rollins has released a NEW Mason Jar Podcast! Several episodes have already dropped including one with Karen Glass discussing the key CM element of narration with many tips and insights into its application in the homeschool. If you’re looking for practical help from experienced women who have not only homeschooled for the long haul but also studied Charlotte Mason’s writings, and spent much of their lives giving back what they have learned to the public for its general use, then you’ll love The New Mason Jar!

One discovers a thing because it is there, and no sane person takes credit to himself for such discovery. On the contrary, he recognizes with King Arthur,–– “These jewels, whereupon I chanced Divinely, are for public use.” For many years we have had access to a sort of Aladdin’s cave which I long to throw open ‘for public use.’

~Charlotte Mason

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