2020 SoCalCM Conference


2020 SoCalCM Conference Bundle

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CM at Home: Foundations for Life event bundle

All speakers are local to the SoCalCM community. We hope these talks will encourage, inspire and help you in your Charlotte Mason homeschooling journey.

Bundle includes:

Cultural Lies vs. God’s design: The Beauty of Motherhood with Erin Kunkle
Building on Simplicity with Naomi Goegan
Relationship as Foundational with Glenna Heustis
Children are Born Persons: Putting Principles into Practice with Amy Johnson
Cultivating Character: Early Years to the High School Years and Beyond by Melissa Runcie
Plus bonus sessions including…
Picture Study with Amy Johnson
Poetry with Wendy Machovsky
Swedish Drill with Glenna Heustis
Plus two pre-recorded discussions on:
Scheduling with Naomi Goegan
Notebooking with Glenna Heustis
Plus downloadable booklet and Conference reader in pdf format.